platelet rich plasma

PRP therapy harnesses the body's natural healing ability by using platelet-rich plasma extracted from the patient's blood. When injected into the skin, it stimulates dermal fibroblasts, boosting collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production. This leads to improved skin quality and texture. The procedure is prized for its natural approach, utilising the body's own resources for regeneration. However, it's important to consult a qualified practitioner and understand potential limitations and risks.

You may choose to add on any of the following enhancements to your PRP treatment:

  • Universkin S.TEP with personalised take home serum $220

  • Universkin S.TEP Treatment $100

  • Vitamin + Mineral S.TEP $150

  • Hydration Mask and Healite Recovery $70

target issues

PRP Injection | Dr Sarah Anthony | Before, during and after diagram of PRP therapy

Alocuro Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is the ultimate bio-regeneration treatment. The procedure provides a multitude of healing and rejuvenating benefits to help combat the effects of ageing, sun damage, stress and toxins. Skin Health is improved through the platelet-released growth factors’ regenerative effects which increases collagen and elastin production to improve skin tone and elasticity, minimises the appearance of lines, wrinkles, large pores, sagging skin, discolouration, stretch marks and scars.

Skin Rejuvenation

In dermatology and cosmetic medicine, PRP has been used to treat overall health, tone and elasticity of the skin. 

  • Any area of skin requiring rejuvenation including facial rejuvenation as well as neck, decolletage, back of hands, forearms, elbows, knees

  • Fine lines, wrinkles and other facial creases

  • Crow’s feet, under eye dark circles and hollows

  • Sun-damaged areas and pigmentation

  • Mild to moderate acne scarring and any non-keloid scarring;

  • Stretch marks – abdomen, thighs, buttocks, breasts

  • For ageing skin on the neck and décolletage to improve tone and texture

  • Especially helpful in treating difficult-to-treat lines around and under the eyes and on the neck

hair restoration

When PRP is injected into the scalp, it causes shrunken hair follicles to become healthier and larger, producing more robust hair growth. It does this by activating cells in the hair follicle and promoting angiogenesis (new blood supply) and localised cell growth. 

PRP injection is an effective treatment for both male and female pattern hair loss and some autoimmune hair loss disorders.

PRP Injection | Dr Sarah Anthony | Hair PRP procedure diagram


More than 15,000 research publications have proven the regenerative benefits from PRP. Research in dermatology and plastic surgery applications has shown that PRP can:

  • Improve the overall health, tone and elasticity of the skin

  • Reduce shallow wrinkles and lines

  • Minimise appearance of scars

  • Minimise the visible signs of aged and sun-damaged skin

  • Promote more even skin tone and texture

  • Thicken and improve the quality of thinning skin or the crepiness of ageing skin

Not all PRP IS equal

Alocuro’s Pro-PRP device and preparation protocol has demonstrated outstanding performance in extracting PRP from patient’s blood with platelet concentration of up to 10 times baseline. This efficiency is superior to other manual preparation PRP kits currently available in Australia. By choosing an Alocuro PRP provider, you are giving your skin the best chance for regeneration, as the injected PRP is very concentrated and ‘pure’.

frequently asked questions

  • PRP is an extract of your own blood that contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors and bio-active proteins essential for tissue regeneration and healing. Doctors have used it for many years to accelerate surgical healing; repair tendon, ligament and joint damage; heal skin wounds; and help regrow muscle and bone. The same physiological process that aids healing in other areas of the body occurs when PRP is used to improve skin health and appearance.

  • When PRP is injected into the skin, the platelets release growth factors, which work as ‘chemical controllers’ for tissue regeneration. Many hundreds of biochemical processes occur within the first few minutes after injection – including recruitment of stem cells to the injection site, initiation of new blood vessels and increased blood and nutrient supply which are all essential activities in the regeneration of the skin’ supportive structure – the extracellular matrix. In the weeks and months following treatment these stem cells help to increase the number of fibroblasts within the skin’s dermis, which then increases production of collagen and elastin to repair and regenerate damaged skin. As the nutrient supply, blood vessels and structural elements of the skin improve, this healthier skin looks refreshed, plumper and glowing.

  • A small volume (15-30ml) of the patient’s blood is collected in the same way as a standard blood test. Using a patented, platelet-concentrating device and a centrifuge, the platelets are separated from the whole blood and are collected in a concentrated sample known as PRP. The PRP is injected into the superficial skin layers using a very fine needle after numbing gel has been applied. Our protocols use highly sophisticated needles and injection techniques, which deliver superior results for patients.

    The procedure is minimally invasive. Patients may have some subtle skin redness and injection marks at the completion of the procedure, and there is minimal downtime or recovery time – except for no excessive exercise for 24 hours.

  • Microneedling can be performed in conjunction with a PRP procedure; The Alocuro PRP protocol uses the platelet-poor plasma (PPP) for microneedling prior to the high platelet concentration PRP is injected with a very fine and short needle. The Microneedling works to prepare the skin to receive the platelets and boost the activation of new cell growth.

  • Immediately after the procedure, the injected area will feel tighter, and lines/wrinkles will appear minimised. This degree of skin tightening will not last, and will return more to normal after 4 days. However, the PRP will be working under the skin to make new cells and improve the subsurface layers of the skin. This is not an immediate process and the more pronounced effects can be seen 6 weeks after the procedure. Most patients report the improvements lasting for 1 year.

  • PRP injections are safe. The procedure is provided under stringent guidelines to provide a medical procedure with minimal risk of complications. There is also little chance of a reaction because there are no foreign substances used in the treatment. In Australia, PRP procedures and Medical Devices are regulated by the TGA, to improve safety for patients.

    Alocuro Pro-PRP devices are TGA-approved, point-of-care medical devices for the purposes of collecting a high concentration of platelets from a patient’s blood sample. The system offers an average of 94% platelet collection efficiency to ensure that the PRP being injected is as ‘pure’ and ‘concentrated’ as possible.

  • PRP skin rejuvenation is suitable for all skin colours, ages and types. It is always best to discuss the use of any medical therapy with Dr Sarah as they will be the best person to advise whether PRP may be of benefit to you.

  • Best results are achieved by a series of 3 treatments at 4 or 6 week intervals initially and then 6 monthly or yearly thereafter, depending on the patient’s age and skin condition. The yearly ‘maintenance’ treatment is required because even though the skin has been rejuvenated to improve health and make it more youthful, the degenerative processes that cause ageing do not stop, so ‘top-up’ PRP is required to sustain the regenerative benefits.

  • The under-eye area is a difficult area to treat and improve with the current aesthetic services available. This is an area where PRP really excels as the whole under-eye area can be safely treated as well as the upper lid to improve fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and also thicken the crepey under-eye skin.

Important information

Following pre- and post-treatment care guidelines will help optimise your results. Dr Sarah will walk you through any contraindications or side effects that might impact you. The injection of plasma is very safe because the injected substance is derived from your own blood. There are no preservatives used in plasma so there is no chance of your body rejecting the cells. Thus, no allergy testing is required.  

The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw, including a slight pinch related to the needle insertion and possible bruising at the blood draw site. Those reactions usually pass in a day or two. Other risks or side effects are generally temporary and injection-related. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Injection needle marks which are not unusual and resolve quickly or within a few days.

  • Bruising for up to 7-14 days which can be covered up with make-up 48 hours post-treatment. Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Ibuprofen), blood thinners (unless medically necessary - discuss with Dr Sarah), herbal supplements, vitamin E and fish oil for at least one week prior to the platelet rich plasma to minimise bruising risk. 

  • Itching is not common, but if occurs, is temporary and may be treated with over-the-counter antihistamines.

  • Lumps/bumps and tenderness generally subside within a few days to a couple of weeks.

  • Infection is extremely rare, but if occurs, may require treatment including topical and/or oral antibiotics.

  • A full consultation is required with your doctor to decide if the Alocuro PRP is the right treatment for you. For optimal results and to decrease the chance of bruising at the blood draw site, please avoid all blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for one week prior to your appointment (unless Dr Sarah has indicated otherwise e.g. if medically necessary) including:

    • Green tea and garlic

    • St John's Wort

    • Vitamin E and fish oils

    • Evening primrose oil

    • Gingko Biloba

    • Echinacea

    • Nurofen, Voltaren and Aspirin

  • After the initial 2-3 treatments carried out monthly, your skin will continue to improve over the next few months. You will notice an improvement in texture and hydration. A maintenance treatment is recommended every 6-12 months. Results are dependent on your overall health and nutrition. Remember that smoking and alcohol consumption can shorten the life of cells so can have a detrimental effect on outcomes.

    • Avoid alcohol consumption for a minimum of 6 hours and refrain from taking blood thinning medications such as fish oils, Aspirin (unless medically indicated) and anti-inflammatories for several days. Paracetamol is recommended if needed for discomfort.

    • Avoid touching or scrubbing at the injection sites for 24 hours after treatment.

    • Sleep on your back with your head elevated if you can and avoid rubbing the treated area for 2 weeks.

    • Avoid direct high heat (blow dryer, sun exposure, sauna, steam room, very hot shower, hot yoga, strenuous exercise, etc.) for 24 hours after treatment.

    • Makeup may be applied 48 hours after the treatment if desired.

    • No facials, facial massages, wrinkle reducing, volume repleting or laser treatments for 2 weeks.